jueves, 19 de diciembre de 2013

About Us

The  History

 Mexico City  year : 2007  year,   I was   passing  between  an  dark  epoch  in  my  life ,  lost  my  work  in  the  university  because  affaire  with  a  pupil  girl ,  lost  to  my  women,  my  house  until  a  few  dollars ,  further  was  rain time   , so  that  a  night , sick  to  death,  I  went  with  a  camping   tent,  a  tequila  bottle   to  top  the  hill.  I  remember  have  very  much   fever,  one  time  inward , wandring  in  the delirious,  I  has  a  dream :  appear   a  pricly  pear   from  which  emergecy  numerous  fruits   illuminated   for  an  star. Seem   a  stupid  dream  I  think  to  the  other day  ..but  with   time  I understand  its  significance". Now  I want  share  that  dream  with  world  and  make it  reality. That  dream  is  Tuna-Technology.

 The  Enterprise

In  latin-america  few  enterprises  dedicate   it  to  research  development  because it   require   to work  by  large  time  scale  and  other,  is  that  require special  people  with  high  studies  degree.  All  this  sumarized,  we has   take  it  like  a  advantage , further personality,   the   work  in  science  is  a  pasioned  theme   cause us   fascination  is  relationated  with  more  deep  feeling ... To know. To  theoretical  work  you  don't  need   much  things,  only  computer,  paper,  and  pencil but  the   thing  it  complicated  when  you  treat  doing  experimentation.  In  experimentation  need  you  all  a  specializated  logistic ,  engineer  that  know  about   scientific  work.  "People  that  vibrate  in  your  seem  frequency; all connected",  so  that  we decide  to  create  our  own  specializated  chain  supply,  that  was  the  one  solution.
    Tuna  enterprise group  functioning   for  its  management  way   like  a   3D- polar matrix ,  similar  to  soccer  baloon ,  this  have  three  layers,  the  surface layer  is  dedicate  purely  to  commercial  bussines  with  external  world .  The  second  layer  have  the  comercial  and  research  side  and  only  work  B2B  so  with  the  out  world  as  with  Tuna  Group.  The  Third  layer  function  like  a   central   core   is   the  essence   of  group  , and   it  is  purely  investigative ,  almost  academic,  and  only  work  B2B  inner  the  Tuna  Group.

The  Future

  The   future  is  more  than   prommisory,  already  we are  having  fruits   and  nothing  less  than   with   Magnetic-works  one  enterprise  of   Tuna-group  with  a  theme  relationated  with  Electromagnetic  Thermonuclear  Propulsion  o  EMTH  all  a  new branch   open  for  our  enterprises  and  is  fascinating  because  nobody  has  thinked  before  encounter  something  new  in  magnetism  and  there  you  have.
 Actually, we  are   self-lifting  us  saling  our  se rvice  an d  productsare  but  also we   wanting   partner  capitals  also  patronage  of   some  universities  and  of  course  the  more  difficult   "human  capital".   No  cause  us  motivation  the  money ,  even  recognize  is  important, but  the  important  for  us   is  carry out  forwards  our   proyects,  Doing  something  new  never  before   seen  and  doing  vibrate  the  people  in  our  frequency...and we will  do.

 The  Mission

 Steve  jobs,  the  great   Steve  Jobs  of  Apple,   sayed  in  your  biography  that  he  has  the  fortune  of  encounter him  in  the  intersection  of  two  streets  :  one  name  Art  and  other  named  Technology.  To us  also  happen  us  some  seem,  but  in  time  of  two  street  is  three  street:  The  Science  , The  Art  and  Technology.  So  for  example  Chihuahua design , Science-films   is  art and  technology,  Magnetic works is science  a few  technology  and  United  Thoeretical  Science   is  only science.


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